Category Archives: Projects

Final Presentation and Paper Guidelines


10 minute presentation
5 minutes for q & a after presentation

These are informal, but they should be substantive. Your presentation should provide:

  • a concise update of what your project is,
  • where in the process of doing it you are,
  • a discussion of your method,
  • the disclosure of what you don’t yet know and
  • a plan for how you’re going to learn (or get around) it.
  • If you have documents such as a site map, or wire frames, or schematics, please make them part of the presentation.

See this as your last opportunity to get feedback from the class before you prepare your final project for Core II.

Final Project
The final project should be a more formal and argued version of what’s above, 15-20 pages in length, and will be due May 24.

If you will be producing significant media for the final paper — a working web site, for instance — your paper can be shorter in length. Discuss this with us before hand.

Upload your final paper to our Commons Group with your name in the filename (lukewaltzer_finalpaper.pdf or doc or whatever).

Project Brief

Due March 31, your project brief should be a narrative of no more than five pages that responds to the feedback you’ve gotten on your elevator pitch. Your narrative should address the “what, why, who, where, when, and how” of your project. It should start with the “what” stated at the outset, in a single sentence. It should end with a clear statement of what you propose to produce as your final project for Core II.

Turning It In
To turn in the brief, create a new forum topic titled Project Brief: Your Name, where you replace Your Name with your own and then attach your file to the topic.

Before writing your brief, read our feedback to your pitch posted here (password protected).

A WebNotes Critique of Phil’s Digital Elevator Pitch


Here’s the link to the pitch and critique.

And here’s a brief rehash:

I recently joined the New Media Lab (NML) at the CUNY Graduate Center. The lab coordinators asked me to create an icon and write a blurb about my project that will be posted on the NML website.

I wanted to use WebNotes to critique the real NML page, however, it will not be posted for another couple of weeks and as you know this assignment for ITP Core II is due by tomorrow. So I have pasted the blurb and icon on my blog. Then I used WebNotes to comment on this icon and blurb. I found it a bit overwhelming when I looked at the WebNotes; to ameliorate this I suggest minimizing all of the stickies and then going through and maximizing and minimizing as you please.


Michelle’s Digital Elevator Pitch

The Haiku Deck for my elevator pitch. 

I first was going to try to make a map, since the project is a map (using Zeemaps, Statsilk, Googlemaps mashup, for which there’s a nice tutorial here).  Then it seemed like I was trying to make my project to explain it, not explain what I want to do and why, so it turned into a giant Project Fail. Then, I thought I should tell the story of the story that I’m trying to tell in a public and quantified way… So I tried a picture book with Zooburst.  While fun, suddenly I had Zebras in a classroom and it didn’t make sense or seem appropriate for anyone above age 7.

Finally, I went back to my tried and true favorite presentation software, Haiku Deck.  I make Haiku Decks for everything that needs explaining. It’s a slide show of pictures with limited text, so this presentation won’t make much sense without explanation, but since this isn’t a MOOC pitch, that should be fine.

The process of building this got me acquainted with what APIs are, mashups, and what software is available for this project and more of the scope of this project generally. And I discovered that the CUNY Digital Mapping Service has made public their methodology; I’m now seriously considering this as a template!

Digital Elevator Pitch

Hi All:

One of your classmates wrote the following to us last night:

I’m not sure if it was said and I just missed it last class but how do you want us to submit the digital elevator pitch?
I guess depending on what tool people use they might need to submit differently.
Just a thought; perhaps we could post a link on the blog to wherever our pitch lives?

The answer to this question is dependent upon the tool you choose and how you want to present what you’ve done with it. I prefer when content is embedded within a post, with some type of annotation or introduction, so that all of the content can be in close proximity to the discussion. But that may not be possible with the tool you use or your preferred way of presenting material. So, for the purposes of this assignment, just make sure that the content you produce is accessible and our process for accessing it is made clear. Make some choices, and then we’ll all reflect on the choices together.

Please respond to this post, or post to the group forum with any additional questions about the assignment. Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with.